Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TKAM! The Sixth Post!

C. How do you think the story (what you read so far) would have changed if Scout and Jem had a mother present in their lives? Would it change for the better or for the worse? Explain your thoughts.

I think the story would change in so many ways if Scout and Jem’s mother were still present. First of all, it would change how many characters there are in the story, and she would probably be added to one of the important/main characters. The whole plot would probably thicken, and change everyone. It’ll obviously affect Atticus, Jem, and Scout mostly, but it would still be different for everyone and bring so much change into their lives.

In my opinion, things will most likely change for better and worse. One good thing can happen, one bad thing can happen, or one thing can change. Like for example, if Mrs. Finch were still alive, Scout would most likely be a lot more girlish, her clothing will be more girlish, and her attitude and personality can differ too. That can be bad, because Scout wouldn’t be Scout anymore, she wouldn’t be the same at all. But, it could be good to some people, like Aunt Alexandra and other adults, because Scout would listen to them and be a good girl by doing whatever they tell her to, and not sass talking anyone.

Although I’m not entirely sure how things will change, I know that it’ll be like cause and effect. Because Mrs. Finch is alive, it will affect everyone by changing something about them, their actions, maybe even personality. I think that Mrs. Finch will be like a light in the Finch Family’s lives. She’s going to be that person to comfort everyone when they’re down, especially Atticus during the trial by bringing him some confidence and trusting him/believing in him. I feel like she’s going to be like a female version of Atticus too.

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