Thursday, May 13, 2010

Journal #4 Chapters 10-11 Perspective of Atticus Chapter 11.

Journal #4

Chapters 10-11

Perspective of Atticus Chapter 11.

Dear Journal,

Today was a hectic one. I received a call at the office. Jem had obliterated and Vandalized Mrs. Dubose’s front yard, destroying her Camelias. I was not at all a happy person, but a disappointed one. Whatever the reason was, the boy better have a good enough explanation do have done something so undeserving to such a sick old lady.

When I arrived at the house, I called Jem over. He did look very upset. I though this was good, because I know he felt at least some guilt if not any, and he knew he made a big mistake. Jem said he did it because Mrs. Dubose said I lawed for niggers and trash. I can’t believe it. I thought Jem had much more control than that. It really disappoints me. I thought that even Scout wouldn’t do such a thing.

But now Jem has to pay the price by fixing up Mrs. Dubose’s front yard, and read to her everyday for a month. I know he doesn’t like it, but it’s the consequences he has to pay for tormenting the lady. Even though she has some nasty and snide remarks, she can’t help it. Really.

Mrs. Dubose died today. I went down to her little home to make her will. She died soon after. I went home and bared the melancholy news to the kids. I had something for Jem. It was from Mrs. Dubose. He took it and threw a little fit. Inside was a Camellia with cotton wads around it. I comforted him and told him it was her way of saying everything was alright now. I then gave them a big speech, a lesson concerning the bravest women I’ve ever known, Mrs. Henry Laffayette Dubose.

1 comment:

  1. You really gave us a great insight into Atticus' feelings and thoughts. I felt like after that, I could step into his shoes.
