Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Journal #3 Chapters 8-9 Perspective of Uncle Jack

Journal #3

Chapters 8-9

Perspective of Uncle Jack

Dear Journal,

What a surprise! Scout and Jem sure have grown since the last time I’ve seen em’. But oh! That Scout, I’ve come and she starts using the words, “Hell”, and “Damn” in her sentences. I don’t like it one bit. It’s not lady like, and she’s 5-years-old for pete’s sake! It’s just Fanatical. I decided to have a talk with her, and make sure that she wouldn’t use those words anymore, or at least when I’m around.

We decorated the tree after that, up until it was bedtime for Scout and Jem. The next morning, Jem and Scout dived for the presents. It was exactly what they had wanted, Air Rifles. They were from Atticus, who had written me to go an’ get ‘em. Apparently, I’m supposed to teach them to shoot!

Later, we arrived at Finch’s Landing. There, we met Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jimmy, and their grandson Francis. It was nice seeing them. I was greeted with a kiss from Alexandra and Francis. Things started getting crazy by the end of the day though. There I was, sitting in the living room with everyone, then I hear Francis yelling outside in the yard. I run out, and I see Scout give ‘em the old one, two! I pinned her arms against her sides just in time. Alexandra follows and aids the bawling boy. I just look down at Scout and asked her, “You know I told you you’d get in trouble if you used words like that? I told you, didn’t I”. She’s in for some trouble. After I finished with her, she ran off and said something very hurtful towards me. It upset me and made me feel a bit guilty. She left after that without saying goodbye. I left after them, and went to go talk to scout. I told her that she had it coming, and she knew it. I tried to reason, but she caught me by surprise when she said that it wasn’t fair. I didn’t understand children. I hadn’t heard her side of the story yet, either. Scout proceeded to tell me her side of the story, and I was furious at Francis! I wasn’t gonna let him get away with calling Atticus a “Nigger-Lover”. I was going to head over to the landing right at that minute, but Scout stopped me, saying that she didn’t want Atticus to know about her being upset because of that. She told me to keep quiet about it. And I did. I talked to Atticus after. We talked about everything going on, and the case with Tom Robinson. He also gave me advice on children, Jem an Scout. I mentioned that I was never going to marry, for I could possibly have kids!

1 comment:

  1. I like that you improvised here. IT gave me some more insight into what Jack was thinking. Maybe if you could show more of his feelings you could improve it, but, so far so good!
