Sunday, May 9, 2010

Journal #2 Chapters 4-7 Perspective of Miss Maudie Atkinson

Journal #2

Chapters 4-7

Perspective of Miss Maudie Atkinson

Dear Journal,

Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. Scout just stopped by again. We were just sitting out in the front porch, in fine view of my glorious Azaleas. I quite enjoy the time spent with Scout, she’s a fine young girl! Even though she don’t act much lady like. Anyways, we were basking in the delicious warmth of the sun, and suddenly, Scout asks a rather interesting question. “Do you think Boo Radley is alive?” I just give a little laugh and tell her yes, he is. Oh that girl must enjoy quibbling, ‘cause she asks me how I know, and I tell her I haven’t seen ‘em carried out yet, as you can tell. We start going a lil deeper into the conversation, and I tell Scout that my theory is that Boo was a victim of a “Harsh” father, a foot washing Baptist who believed pleasure to be a sin. I also added that Boo had always been polite and friendly as a child, and most of the rumors about him are false. Really though, I wish everyone would just stop tormenting him. Just the fact that no one really knows, but tends to assume is unanimous. If Boo wasn’t crazy as boy, he probably is now. I decided to end the conversation, and my evasion was to ask if she’d like some fresh pound cake to take home. I watched as she teetered on home.

A few days later, I hear a loud noise ring throughout the neighborhood. It sounded like a gunshot. Sure gave me fright! I jumped from my spot on the rocking chair in the front porch, and look down the street. It seems like that sound came from the Radley Place! Curiosity got the best of me, and well, I decided to head over and see whats going on. Everyone’s there too. Atticus, Miss Stephanie Crawford, too. The Neighborhood gossip. A few minutes later, the kids, Jem, Scout, and Dill come hobblin’ over in what seems like feigned curiosity, or at least from what I can tell. They look a little shooken up though. I told them that Mr. Nathan Radley shot at a negro in his yard, and he’s waiting to shoot the next sound he hears. I decide to head back home after that. It was getting rather dark!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the perspective you put this in. You used the vocab words very nicely, and there were no spelling or grammar mistakes. Well Done!
