Sunday, May 2, 2010

Journal #1 Chapters 1-3 Perspective of Dill! - Vanessa P.

Journal #1

Chapters 1-3

Perspective of Dill!

- Vanessa P.

Hello, young world! I’m in Maycomb County, staying with my aunt for the summer. I thought it would be boring when I got there, but its good. There are other kids who live next door to Aunt Rachel. Their names Scout and Jem. We played all kinds of games and I told them about some things I’ve experienced. Like the picture show! When I told ‘em, Jem wasn’t impressed, that I could tell! But as we played more with each other, it wasn’t bad at all. I dared him to do something big one day.I can’t believe he did that! I dared him, and he actually did it. Sure, I was a little irked with him when we met. And sure, the dare may have been a little Malevolent, but he acts so unsure of me and so unimpressed! These town folk sure don’t know much about the outside world. They think that Radley Place be so scary and crazy, but they haven’t seen much yet! Jem and Scout be so scared, so I dared Jem to go up to the house and touch it. It honestly wasn’t so bad, but he still seemed intimidated by the idea. To tell the truth though, I’m also a little peeved by that house too. The siblings told me some things about that family, and the one that was most unnerving to learn about was Boo Radley. They made him sound like a crazy serial killer who was released from an insane asylum! Stabbing his father in the leg and then continuing to continue his scrap booking or whatever. What a creep. I just couldn’t help the fact that the place was so intriguing. I actually dared Jem to make Boo Radley come out at first, but he was just so scared and started making up excuses. So I went with the other dare instead. And I bet he just felt so high and mighty. He started acting all cool afterwards. But all in all, that was still pretty exciting! Oh boy am I gonna miss Maycomb!

1 comment:

  1. Maddie's Post:

    Great job explaining what happened in each chapter. You really put yourself into Scout's shoes and made it seem like how she would feel or react to some events. But one thing I think you missed was reflecting on how Scout thinks she treats others. You should quote someone saying something to her, and then add what you think Scout feels about what she should have done or said in response instead of what she may have previously said or done. Overall, you did a good job summarizing up the events in Scout's perspective.
