Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lit Circle Post #3 !

Quote :

"CNN, the major networks, The Weather Channel--- all are predicting a second hurricane Katrina. Surely Ashley's party will have to be postponed.
"No way," Pepe assures me. Come hurricane or high water, his little girl is going to turn fifteen in royal Latina style."
-Pepe Delgado. PAGE 136, PARAGRAPH 2.

Significance :

I think this quote relates to how the characters are maintaining their cultural ties to their homelands. Pepe Delgado was throwing his daughter's Quinceanera, and Hurricane Katrina was on the verge of reaching San Antonio, where the Quinceanera was held. According to Pepe, his daughter Ashley's quinceanera must have been so very important for him to risk everyone's safety for it. I understand why though. Like its been said many times before, it only happens once! It wouldn't be the same if it were to be postponed.

Personal Connection :

I think this actually relates to when I was having my birthday party a few days earlier than I would have liked. We were going to eat out with many of my relatives and friends. My Parents wanted to do it on Saturday, when my birthday was on a monday. I also felt that it wouldn't be the same, 'cause that wasn't my birthday! I wasn't turning 12 on saturday, but monday. But I had to go through with it because many people were busy on monday and had work.

Question: Was there ever a time when you planned something on a specific date, but had to postpone it because of one petty little thing?

Quote :

" The next generation growing up, their parents will all have been born and raised here. A lot of them won't even speak spanish that well. There isn't going to be that grandparent or parent from the old country pushing for the quinceanera."

-Maurice. PAGE 143 PARAGRAPH 2.


This relates to the hardships a lot of latinos are facing. Its hard for immigrant families in America to preserve their culture and keep it running in the family. A lot of the younger generations are growing up with American culture, not their original hispanic cultures. Its a very difficult task to keep up with. The adults originally from the hispanic country want their children to learn about the history of their country, and the culture. But who can blame the kids, influenced by our sweet american culture.

Personal Connection :

All I can say that this is definitely what's going on in my family as well. There are 3 kids, including me throughout the family. There are 2 others, but their babies. Anyways, the three of us are strongly influenced by american culture. We eat american food, breathe american air, and practically sleep american dreams! All of my aunts and uncles try to talk to me in the native language, Lao, but its extremely difficult for me to understand at times. A lot of times I don't want to go to the temple, which is where we go once every few months for some kind of event that I really don't understand. Even after all these years! I do try to keep up with my culture though. I understand that I need to learn it and pass it on to my kids so they will also know.

Question :

If you are a descendant of another ethnicity, do you feel like you are drifting away from it?

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