Friday, January 29, 2010

My First Independent Literature Cirlce Post !

Hello there, my name is, Vanessa. Today's Date is January 29th, 2010. The title of my literature circle book is, "The Lightning Thief". Right now, its 8:44 PM. The book I am reading is written by Rick Riordan.
I've read about 1-50 pages.

The first question:

"How is a character in your book similar to a character in another book, story, or movie?"

My response:

Well first of all, my book is a fantasy book, and therefore includes many magical creatures and myths. So it would be natural to have an adventurous character, which indeed there is. Many, at that fact. The main character is Percy Jackson. He is a descendant of the Greek gods. His father is Poseidon, the great god of the sea. Percy's mother is only mortal. This makes him a, "Demi-god", which is Half god, half human. In my opinion, and possibly many others, the main character is just like Harry Potter! Like Harry, Percy grew up in an environment where no one really cared for him (Except his mother, who loves him dearly!) and he didn't have much. Neither of the two were rich, and the male of the house treated them both like dirt. Uncle Dursley for Harry, and Gabe Ugliano for Percy.

The two also get caught up in a lot of trouble, which caused adventures. There were a lot of mythical creatures in both books too. Another thing is that both characters left the home where they were'nt treated right to go to a better place. Hogwarts, and Camp Half-Blood. It was where they both belonged and fit in perfectly. Every one loved and admired both characters because they were special. For Harry, it was because he lived when Voldemort tried to kill him. As for Percy, he's the son of Poseidon, one of the Big Three Gods. Percy wasn't supposed to be born because the Big Three made a pact to not have anymore children since they were too powerful. Harry wasn't supposed to be alive because Voldemort had tried to kill him. Overall though, they both lead a better life once they went to their magical school/camp.

The first question:

What character do you like most in this book and/or what character do you like least? Why?"

My response:

The character I like most in this book is the main character, Percy Jackson. I like his back round, and how he seems like a trouble maker to most people, but if you meet him, he's just a boy who struggles to get through school and be good. I like how he's the son of one of the Big Three, Poseidon. He's a generally friendly person and he doesn't want to get into any trouble. I like how he's a softie for his mom, too ! That's so cute. My favorite part about Percy is his powers. He can control water, and speak to sea creatures. I think he'd be a very cool guy if you met him.

My least favorite character, I'd have to say, would be Annabeth. I don't know why, but I just don't like her. Annabeth is the main female protagonist of the book. She and Percy were first acquainted when Percy first arrived at camp. He had passed out from the Minotaur that had chased him, and Annabeth had tooken care of him then. After he recovered, she showed him around camp. I never really liked the main female protagonists of books or movies. I think its because they always end up with the main male protagonists and there's the same sappy ending for the story. Her character is also similar to various other female leads. They start off mean, rude and a smarty pants, they later start falling for the male protagonist but cover it up by again, acting mean and rude, and finally they open up and get all lovey-dovey! I just want to see something new.

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