Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Class Writing Response !

If I were to transform myself into the book, I'd replace the main female protagonist, Annabeth. Like I said before, I don't really like Annabeth, so I'd love to replace her with myself! I'd like to change the storyline and relationship between Annabeth and Percy by interfering my self and make it so that they barely even know each other. When Percy reached the camp and Annabeth took care of him, I'd make it so that I would beat her to it and nurse Percy back to health instead of Annabeth. I'd also convince Chiron, the camp activities director, to let me give Percy a tour around camp like Annabeth did. That way, Percy won't really know her, and she wouldn't have to go on a quest with him!

Like Annabeth, I would play Percy's, "Love- Interest", and the main female protagonist. Things would be different if I were around because I would lighten things up, and there'd be more comedy! Also, I'd be a lot kinder to Percy and defend him when he is being picked on. I would defend him because I think its what he deserves. He's the new kid at camp, and there's no reason for anyone to have to bully him at all. I think I can understand how he might have felt, being a new kid at a camp for half gods. He doesn't know what's going on, and everything is so new to him. To have someone bully him, which was Clarice, a daughter of Aries, must of been hard. She was really aggressive when she shoved him around and whatnot, and Percy definitely did not deserve that. I would give Clarice a piece of my mind, unlike Annabeth! She didn't do a thing or even lift a finger when she found out about how Clarice had tried to shove Percy's head into a toilet, but failed when the bathroom overflowed, and Clarice and her goons were soaked in toilet water! In fact, Annabeth had accused Percy rudely, asking what he had did to Clarice. The boy didn't even know what happened! All I'm saying is that if I'm in the book, I'd change things by giving Percy the respect and kindness he needs, and maybe even show some love!

1 comment:

  1. This is really good! Maybe you should add some more detail so people can paint a picture and really see what the story is about.
