Monday, October 5, 2009

Lord of the Flies Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 8:

Gift for the Darkness

I think the most disturbing scene in this book so far would definitely have to be when Jack and his hunters made their kill for their second pig. It was so gross! Golding described the scene very vividly and clearly. I could definitely see myself as Simon, who is so demure, watching that horrid scene from afar. Jack and his hunters killed the pig so brutally. All of the boys stabbed at it as if it were a game! The most disgusting thing was when Jack plunged his spear through the pig from her but, through her snout. But before that, all of the boys were just on top of her, stabbing and torturing her. It was so obvious she was going to die when she staggered into Simon's secret place, so I really don't think it was necessary to keep hurting her. It should even be a taboo to kill any living thing like that! And when they finished, Jack paunched and grabbed all of her guts and organs and threw them to the side. I wonder what a prefect would do if he saw this. He even giggled and wiped the blood on his and Maurice's face! This shows that the boys really have become demoniac. They changed so much from the first time they arrived on the island. They all got along well, and everything. But now, everyone is split up into groups. There's Jack's side, and Ralph's. A lot of the Biguns went to Jack's side because they wanted to hunt and act like savages. On Ralph's side, there's a few biguns like Piggy, Sam'n'Eric, and a lot of littluns. Its all ridiculous though.

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