Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 9&10 post.

1.)They prefer the sow’s guts & insides.

2.) He decides to go to the mountain.

3.) He fixes the parachute so that the body doesn’t rock back and fourth with the wind.

4.) Piggy suggests that they visit the party.

5.) They are accepted when they make fun of Piggy and everyone begins laugh

6.) Jack stated that the conch was no longer any use on his side of the island, meaning he couldn't call assemblies on Jack's side, or use it to gain everyone's attention when talking.

7.) The weather gets all cloudy, and it starts to rain. There is a thunderstorm.

8.) They sing, "Kill the pig, cut his throat, spill his blood, bash him in!"

9.) Simon emerges from the jungle.

I think that Evil is responsible for Simon's death, because that's what all of the boys were being at the moment. Evil. The boys chant, " Kill the pig, cut his throat, spill his blood, bash him in!" , and I think that's evil. Why would you go around singing something like that ? Its not your normal 'party song' . They all come together in a circle and do a reenactment of when they kill the pig too. This is evil, because everyone of the boys is in it, trying to 'kill' the pig. Even the littluns are! The boys are becoming evil, and savage. Especially when they kill Simon. They don't see its him until they've finished him off. They should have listened to him, and stopped their chant! If they did, it could have saved their lives.

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