Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 10 Blog post: The Shell & the Glasses.

Chapter 10 Blog post:

The Shell & the Glasses.

"The Bloody Kill"

I was wandering around the night after my death. It was weird. Being dead, that is. All I wanted to do was save everyone. But they just went all barmy on me, and here I am, dead and gone. So as I was saying, I was wandering around, and I came across Ralph and Piggy, who were conversing. They were talking about my death, and they didn't want to admit that they were part of it. They kept trying to convince themselves that they had left early, before the incident happened. I know they hadn't meant any harm done on me, and they probably just got caught up in the moment. So, I forgive them.

After that, I decided to see what Jack and his 'tribe' were up to. I came upon Roger first, and he and a fellow hunter, (I couldn't tell which, they were all covered in face paint) were discussing something about Wilfred getting tied up. I think he mentioned that he was getting tortured. And then they meet up with Jack, and he talks about his plans. He plans to have Maurice and Roger go on top of Castle Rock and knock down the big rock on the beast if they see it.

Then, I decide to follow them at night when they planned an attack on Ralph and the few others with him. They went to steal Piggy's glasses to make their cooking fires. I didn't think it was fair, because later on, I heard Ralph saying that he would've given the Hunters fire if they'd just ask. So instead, he went and took Piggy's glasses forcefully when he could've just went and asked for some, and there'd be no problem.

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