Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chapter 11: Castle Rock

Chapter 11:

Castle Rock

1.) Piggy suggests that Ralph should call a meeting to discuss Piggy’s stolen glasses, and the previous events that happened, like Simon’s death.

2.) Piggy tells Jack that he can’t see anything, and he is completely blind without them.

3.) They want to clean themselves up, and look neat and professional.

4.) Roger challenges the boys from the cliff on Castle Rock.

5.) Jack was hunting before his arrival.

6.) Ralph calls Jack a thief.

7.) Samneric get tied up and taken away from Ralph.

8.) Roger is throwing rocks, and then he leans on the lever to move the big one, and it falls, killing Piggy.

This time, I actually think Roger is responsible for Piggy’s death because he was the one who pushed the boulder down. For one thing, it was he who pushed it. That makes him responsible because the boulder killed Piggy, and Roger pushed it. Second, he didn’t listen to what Piggy had to say. If he did, maybe that could’ve changed what happened, and Piggy wouldn’t be dead. All in all, I think Roger is clearly charged guilty, because the boulder killed Piggy, and the one who pushed it was Roger, making it so that he killed Piggy.

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