Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters

Chapter 12:

Cry of the Hunters

Looking back to the time when I was stranded on an island during World War II, I remembered those last moments of being pursued by Jack and his tribe before getting rescued. After hearing from Samneric, I decided to hide in the thickets around Castle Rock. As I hid, I ate the meat that Sam gave me. I thought I was going to die! Jack and his Tribe were out to get me, and Samneric were too. Samneric were forced to join Jack earlier because Jack's hunters tied them both up, and forced them to join. I wonder if I had them with me, I'd still be okay. They told me that Roger had sharpened a stick at both ends, but they didn't tell me what he was going to do. Suddenly, I feel a faint heat coming towards me, and then it clicked. They were trying to burn the thicket! Quickly, I made my way out, and stumbled upon a clearing. In the clearing, I saw something white on a stick. It looked like a skull. A pig's skull. As I was hiding, I saw someone. I ran away screaming. I thought it was Jack or Roger. But as I ran towards the shelters, a man called out to me. I turned, and saw that it was a Naval Officer. He asked me a bunch of questions about what was going on, and as he did, all of the littluns came running over. One of them, I remember was Percival. He tried to tell the Naval Officer his name, but it seems like he forgot. I decided to take full responsibility on the island since
I was chief. The naval officer seemed disappointed in us though. I think it was because we were all british boys, and we didn't handle the situation as well as we should have. But I that's all in the past now. And as hard as I try to forget all about it, I just can't.

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