Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 6: Beast From Air

Chapter 6:

Beast From Air

I think the sign that came down from the grown up world is the dead man on the parachute. The boys aren’t aware of it because they didn’t even all see it, so they don’t know for sure what it is. Sam’n’Eric were really terrified because while they were tending to the fire, they thought they saw the beast. The boys’ attitude when going off to look for the beast is confident. They think they can hunt it, and they’re really eager, too. I think they just want some action and thrill. I’m not so sure about this whole beast thing though, but since everyone believes it, there’s no other way to end it except for killing it.

I do feel I am a good leader though. I’ve made better decisions, and I’ve improved a lot in my skills. I know what I did was best, because if the leader were Jack, there wouldn’t be any shelters, or any other important things, only hunting. He also acts so mutinously sometimes, and that doesn’t set a good example for the littluns. But as for me being the strongest leader, I’m not so sure anymore. Though I feel I’m good, I think I’ve lost some of the respect I used to have. And being leader isn’t all that great. I’m always embroiled. Whether it be about Jack and his hunting, the fires, shelters, and maybe even the littluns and biguns. But Simon is a big help with the littluns sometimes. But he always does some things diffidently. And also, being the leader makes me a bit waxy at times. Especially with Jack and his hunt, or fires. It interminable. Him and his hunt. That’s all he cares about! So as you can see, I don’t love being a leader, but I feel I have to do it, because with me, we’ve really prospered.

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