Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chapter 5: Beast from the Water

Chapter 5:

Beast from the Water

Today an assembly was called because Ralph wanted to introduce some new rules. He talked about how the littluns always take short wherever they wanted, and how disgusting it was. He also talked about the fire, and if anyone wanted to make a fire, they had to go on the mountain and use that one. Then there was the talk about the beastie. Honestly, I’m quite impressed that Ralph actually thought things through this time. I approve of these new rules because they are smart. Its something I would do, but I would’ve done it from the start. But things are breaking up. Jack is tempestuously rebelling, he doesn’t want to listen to these rules, and everyone thinks it’s too much. They just want to do whatever they like. Its just ludicrous, and even shocked me of my decorum! Even the littun’s lamentation in their sleep is stupid. They cry because they think they see a beastie. And that little boy, Percival is afraid of the beastie the most. I think the effigy of the dirtiest thing in our human nature is our will to do whatever we like all the time, and how we are always selfish and greedy. Everyone wants something. But if I were chief, I think things would be in order. I’d have lots of rules and consequences.

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