Monday, September 21, 2009

Chapter 4: Painted faces and Long hair

Chapter 4:

Painted faces and Long hair

Life on the island is far different from my life back in England. Eat, work, school, play, and sleep. That was my usual everyday routine. But ever since I’ve arrived on this island, its different. I’ve taken on more responsibilities, and I’ve got to search for food and build my own shelter. I’m not having too much trouble adjusting to this island as my new home. Its very beautiful and peaceful. I like it. But honestly though, I’m not used to my new responsibilities. Like building my shelter instead of going home, and searching for food instead of having mum cook for me. I’ve also got to keep an eye on the littluns too. They’re all so young and don’t know much yet. But I really don’t mind. They’re all cute and so full of energy. I like ‘em a lot. And its really not much work watching after them, since all they do is play and eat all day.

Though life on the island is relaxing, I’d like to go home. Today, we missed our only chance to get home. Jack and his hunters did not keep the fire going, and there was a ship that came by when the fire was dying. But the ship didn’t see us because it was quite far away, and since the fire was dying, there was barely any smoke to give off signals. Jack and his hunters were busy hunting a pig. When he came back, his face was all painted. I didn’t paint my face, because I was not hunting with him, but if I was, I’d probably feel different, not like myself, but like someone else. It’s a whole new identity.

It’s fairly peaceful on the island, though. Everyone goes about and does their own thing. But ever since the last little mishap, I don’t think the peacefulness will last much longer. Ralph seemed about ready to explode. I could see it! His fist were clenched, body trembling, breathing hitched, and that look in his eyes just about gave him away! There’s also that last little spat they had before. I feel like both of them are going to start getting on each other’s nerves, and something bad might happen.

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