Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach

Chapter 3:

Huts on the Beach

Today had been a rough day. First, I go off to hunt in the woods. But when I come back, Ralph and I have a little spat about my hunting, and shelters. He kept complaining to me about how he and simon are the only ones who worked on the shelters. And to tell you the truth, I don’t understand why he’s complaining to me about it. He’s the leader here! But, I do feel a bit guilty. Maybe I should have helped him, just a little bit though. The shelters are really important too. Especially for the littluns. We don’t want to lose anyone of them before we get off this island. So as I was saying, about that little spat between Ralph and I, its not my fault. I am a hunter, therefore, I hunt. That is my job. Ralph is the leader, therefore he should take responsibility over all the littluns and watch over them. Since I’m a hunter, I hunt. Is there anything about babysitting when youre a hunter? No! I feel like no ones doing any work around here. And that fatty, Piggy, he just sits around and does nothing! But still, all of us boys have to keep an eye on each other in order to survive. I feel the most important task for survival is food and water. Without it, you’ll die! So that is why I am a hunter, to hunt down some meat and feed everyone. Hmm, I’ve been thinking about Simon lately. He’s so skinny, maybe that’s why he faints! Simon is actually a good guy. Everyone seems to get a long with him. But he’s so weird sometimes. Always givin’ a faint! If we don’t get off this island soon, I don’t know how long we’ll survive. I think we might even go crazy! Heh, I actually might with Ralph. It turns out, I’m not all over that little spat we had earlier. All I’ve been trying to do was put some meat on his plate, but he isn’t even thanking me for my hard work! Well actually, I think we didn’t get along so well today ‘cause we were both working hard for something and not achieving it, so we both took it out on each other and had a spat about how stupid we both were for doing what we were.

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