Monday, May 31, 2010

TKAM. The 8th post !

2. What lessons have you learned from this book so far? What themes, lessons, or examples will you take from this book and bring into your own life? Has it changed your perspective on issues at all? How so?

Through reading this book, I realized a lot more things about life and the views of different people. I learned a lot from reading through the perspective of Scout. Even though she is only a young girl, you can really understand things from her point of view, and maybe change things from your own. I think it has changed my perspective on things because when you see through someone else's eyes, it's different and what they see is not always the same as what you see. I learned that not everyone can have what they want, and sometimes when you don’t get it, it’s for the best.

To me, it feels like you can base Maycomb off as the world, and the trial with Ewell and Robinson is just one of the many mishaps in the world, but also one of the most common. I always knew, but now I can clearly say that the world isn’t the best place, and you can’t always live peacefully. But I also realized that it’s okay to move on and keep pushing forward to make things better.

1 comment:

  1. I like your view. Kind of like the trial was a war if Maycomb was the world. I would have never thought like that. Maybe you could try to put more personal relations into this, it would make it even more interesting.
