Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If you were stuck on an island, which 3 things/people would you bring with you ?

If I were stuck on an island, I'd bring the most important things that a human being needs to survive. The first thing I'd bring would have to be a samurai sword. The reason why I chose this is so that I can use it to protect my self from danger, and cut through vines and all sorts off stuff . I can also use it to cut open resources like food. I think a samurai sword would be very useful . The second item I would bring would be fully charged iPhone. I think that this will be useful because I can use it to call the police, or anyone to come and rescue me. And because it’s an iPhone, it will help keep me from getting lost, since it has a navigation system installed. It will also keep me from getting bored, and will help kill time while I wait for my rescuers. Finally, the third item that I would bring is a flashlight. The flashlight will be very helpful incase I need to wander around at night. With its light, I will be able to see well in the dark.

One person that I would definitely have to bring with me if I were stuck on an island would be my Uncle. He is very resourceful, strong, and knowledgeable when it comes to things like this. He would be very helpful when it comes to things like shelter and food. And because he’s athletic and strong, he’d most definitely be able to hunt down food and start fires. The second person I would bring with me is my best friend Ari. First of all, she’s my best friend. So of course, I’d love to have her with me. I think we’d also both be able to keep ourselves entertained by talking and laughing. She is also very funny and fun to be around. And last but not least, the third and final person I would bring with me is my mom to hold me and keep me warm when I get scared. I’m sure the first person that I’d look to for comfort would be my Mom. Duh! I’d probably panic when I find out I’m stuck on an island. So if that happens, I’d need some comfort. And whom would you turn to if you got scared? Your mother, of course!

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